
  • Suvashree Roychowdhury




Gender inequality is one form of oppression across almost every nation in this world. The gender discrimination has outlasted several generations. Since time immemorial the role of women in several realms of society have been a subject of speculation. Often under estimated too. In most of the cases, women have been found to play a very subdued role. Her role in many spheres have been toned down or muted. The relentless struggle and toil a woman generally undergoes proves the fact that there are still many miles to go for achieving a strong foundation in society. Even though, women are striving to excel in various fields in spite of several risks factors that are reputation and life threatening, there seems to be lacunae in encouragement and appreciation. Sometimes a woman’s success is seldom acclaimed and celebrated. The present paper targets to throw light on grounds that marks out instances and cases of gender inequality, gender gaps, gender disparity and other gender discrimination related issues. It is an overview of women and their related issues. The paper aspires to discusser views, reports and studies concerning women that have taken place overtime.


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How to Cite

Suvashree Roychowdhury. (2024). GENDER ISSUES-AN OVERVIEW. Redshine Archive, 12(9).