
  • Sangeeta




Patriarchy has been intricately woven into the social fabric of almost all cultures for times unknown. It is a system deeply embedded not only in domestic space but also in political, social and economic systems and therefore manifests itself in the form of gender inequality. The dynamics between the ‘undervalued’ and the ‘privileged’ has always been a matter of debate and have mostly been defended on moral ground. As a result of this constant friction between the two, feminism has found its way through to ensure an inclusive world and to disintegrate an oppressive structure that has stood strong despite being challenged time and again. Literature, a mirror to society, by virtue of its ability to express also becomes a medium to extend feminism beyond activism into academia. Feminism has had a noteworthy impact on literature not only in terms of themes ventured but also the representation of the ‘undervalued’. It played a crucial role in amplifying the voice of the women, portraying their experiences, perspectives and struggles. Feminist literature intentionally explores topics such as gender roles, patriarchy, oppression, discrimination, sexuality, reproductive rights and most importantly the quest for equality to invoke empathy for the female world. It paints the harsh realities and complexities of women’s life and their struggles to find their identity. Interestingly writers and authors were not the only ones to be influenced by feminism, it also changed the way the audience interpreted and analysed the texts. Furthermore, literature has made innumerable attempts to challenge and subvert patriarchal norms. It continues to inspire readers and advocates gender equality. Writers like Virginia Wolf, Simone de Beauvoir and Audre Lorde, among others, have made remarkable contributions to the feminist literary theory that continues to find relevance in the contemporary world by questioning the unequal power dynamics between genders.


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How to Cite

Sangeeta. (2022). FEMINISM AND PATRIARCHAL BONDAGE IN VIEW OF LITERATURE. Redshine Archive, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.25215/1304693724.05